紙樣| SIDONIEYANG - 網路商店的成長過程 | SIDONIEYANG - The Growth of an Online Workshop

每次去郵局都是把包裹寄到不同國家,感覺很奇特! 剛剛完成之後看著這張地圖,也覺得很不可思議! 這真的是一年前的我們無法想像的成果! 


去年2011年2月我們才真正開始這個品牌- 紙樣。YANG 最初只有英文名是叫做 SIDONIEYANG | HANDMADE,去年2月在Etsy.com (總部在紐約的手作設計品販售平台) 申請了一個英文網路商店........

Going to the post office to mail a parcel internationally is a strange but wonderful feeling. Looking at this map of where in the world our products have been sent to, you can see why! It's pretty cool to step back and take a look...

February 2011 was when we "opened" our shop, at the time with only the English name of "SIDONIEYANG | HANDMADE" - we later came up with the name "紙樣。YANG" for the Taiwanese and Japanese markets (Pronounced Zhi Yang, meaning "paper style" when translated from Chinese. Pronounced Kamisama meaning "paper of the immortals" or something like that, in Japanese!). We originally started off on Etsy.com, a New York-based online purveyor of handmade goods...



After opening our Etsy shop, it was only then that we started to research materials, think about what we wanted to sell, etc. Things that we should've done before opening the shop! Putting of cart before horse was something we definitely did! Really, though, Sidonie just wanted to be able to turn something that she loved doing into something that she could do as her full time "job". It was a long three months later, in May 2011, that we finally had things to put in our Etsy shop. Three things.

The next issue we encountered was that of photography. Since it was purely online, visitors didn't have the chance to touch our items at all - the photos had to be relied upon to convey texture and touch. A pretty tall order for photos, indeed. We weren't so good at photography initially, but we had to try... and living in rainy Vancouver didn't make things easier, either. In the end, we did figure out how to take good photographs, thankfully.

紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 10筆成交截圖
紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 10筆成交截圖於2011/12/31



In August of 2011, we decided to move back to Taiwan, but it wasn't until September that we actually received our first order from a stranger! When we got this order, it gave us hope that this could succeed - it gave us the spark to continue and to put all more effort into it. From that day onward, we put a ton of effort into running SIDONIEYANG | HANDMADE and learning how to make make it thrive.

Running our business has let us learn so much and experience even more; from getting back international packages with a slightly wrong address, to replying to enquiries at all hours of the day (time zone difference!), to having our packaging crushed! Our growth seemed pretty glacial, actually, but every time there was an order, a big smile would come across our faces. There were even times when we couldn't keep up with the orders, believe it or not!

紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 28筆成交截圖
紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 28筆成交截圖於2012/02/09


這時候,我們的Etsy 網路商店已經摸索出一套簡單的運作方式,包括商品敘述、各國運送費用設定、商品包裝、拍照方式、品牌敘述、訊息回覆.....等等。

Each and every time we had an order, we grew. We became familiar with how to send packages, how much it would cost, what to do if a customer needed something quickly... step-by-step we figured out how to run our little business. We developed a better knowledge of photography and we learned many little tricks. The best part was, Sidonie still found the time to design new things (a critical thing), so that our shop soon had quite a collection of choices.

Our shop was running quite smoothly at this point...

紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 57筆成交截圖
紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 57筆成交截圖於2012/04/05

然後,今年2012年1月,我們開始煩惱在台灣的販售方式的時候,發現一個台灣的優質設計品販售平台- Pinkoi.com,他們的設計品風格跟拍賣網站有很大的差異,感覺是非常有質感的設計品販售平台,也跟Etsy.com 一樣可以自己操作後台上架,自己管理商品、客戶問答與商品寄送,這就是我們心中理想的販售平台呀! 於是,趁著大家過年慶祝的時間,申請了這間中文網路商店,於是有了中文品牌名- 紙樣。YANG,為了這間中文網路商店,我們開始整理圖片、翻譯商品敘述、設定台幣價格、了解國內寄送方式與運費...等等,然後開了另一間網路商店。

In January 2012, we were wrapping our heads around the question of how to sell our things locally, in Taiwan. Fortunately for us, a friend introduced us to Pinkoi.com, a Taiwanese web startup that focused on selling handmade and designer products to the local market. It was a big difference from the local big online auction websites - a world of difference, in fact. You could say that Pinkoi.com was the equivalent of Etsy.com, but for the Taiwanese market.

It was then that we had to come up with a name in Chinese, which of course was, "紙樣。YANG". We again had to learn how to operate another store, a store on Pinkoi; how to carry out all the essential functions of this shop and how to get ourselves recognized locally. It proved not to be terribly difficult, and we feel that it was a blessing to have Pinkoi on this journey with us!

紙樣手創設計在Pinkoi 的網路商店截圖於 2012/09/25
紙樣手創設計在Pinkoi 的網路商店截圖於 2012/09/25


From the beginning, Sidonie only wished to turn an interest into something she could do full time... but as we've grown, we've come to see that our goals should be loftier, more ambitious. Our new goal is to turn SIDONIEYANG | HANDMADE into a well-known brand. Although we have learned so much already, we must continue to learn each and every day and continue putting effort into building our brand. If we didn't understand this goal of building a brand, then it would be easy to get lost on the way...

紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 100筆成交截圖
紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店 100筆成交截圖於2012/09/04


We're always participating in self-examination, to make sure that the way we think and the way we do things is what we really want. We want to make sure that we don't veer down the wrong path, or chase the wrong goals... we need to know that we are following what our hearts truly desire.

Importantly, we always remind ourselves that this is not purely about money; it is about designing great products (hopefully being able to one day use recycled materials), it is about keeping everything handmade, and it is about our brand having meaning and purpose. We'll always continue to work hard to reach our goals, to mature and to evolve.

紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2012/09/25
紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2012/09/25

(2013/11/25 更新)


這一年來,我們依舊持續收到來自世界各地不同國家的訂單,很開心!  配合各種節日,我們也已經能預先準備不同風格的店內招牌與包裝,有了去年的經驗之後,今年的聖誕節,我們肯定不會再手忙腳亂了!

紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2012/09/25
紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2012/09/25

在台灣,我們的Pinkoi 設計館也很穩定的成長,今年2013年7月,我們很榮幸的跟Pinkoi 配合『好日推好物』活動,創下了很不錯的成績,因為活動內容我們選三天內寄出,於是,也經歷了瘋狂打包出貨的一個星期。


紙樣手創設計在Pinkoi 的網路商店截圖於 2013/11/25
紙樣手創設計在Pinkoi 的網路商店截圖於 2013/11/25



紙樣手創設計官方網站 的截圖於 2013/11/25
紙樣手創設計官方網站 的截圖於 2013/11/25

(2014/06/13 更新)

2014年初我們的工作室搬遷到加拿大的卡加利,也做了一些品牌整合,商品照由 Hey!Cheese 全部重新拍攝,目前中文品牌名為 "紙樣手創設計",英文名為 "SIDONIEYANG"。

對於把重心放在網站行銷的品牌來說商品照是非常重要的,這次的新照片我們非常非常喜歡,商品的細節與質感都很完美的呈現,也為我們帶來了不少新的合作機會,如果有拍攝需求,我們很推薦 Hey!Cheese 喔!

紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2014/06/13
紙樣手創設計在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2014/06/13


紙樣手創設計在Pinkoi 的網路商店截圖於 2014/06/13
紙樣手創設計在Pinkoi 的網路商店截圖於 2014/06/13

我們的官方網站部分也持續在更新中,過一陣子會開始有實體店面的合作;一路走到這裡三年多了,看著一點一滴的努力與記錄,我很開心當初開了這間Etsy shop,才會有今天這個品牌,過程中,真的學習到很多,我還會努力繼續往前進的,也會再持續更新與分享。

紙樣手創設計官方網站的截圖於 2014/06/13
紙樣手創設計官方網站的截圖於 2014/06/13

(2015/06/06 更新)

今年我們搬到多倫多,定居在尼加拉瓜瀑布(Niagara Falls)鎮上,終於有了固定的工作室。

從加拿大把包裹郵寄到台灣的問題已經解決,目前台灣依舊只有在Pinkoi.com 跟我們自己的官方網站販售,採接單訂製方式,所以,訂購的顧客需要等候製作時間與郵寄時間。

紙樣|SIDONIEYANG 被選上Etsy 的首頁精選商店截圖於 2015/05/22

今年我們也非常幸運的接到Etsy Blog Featured Shop 的邀約,所以,在2015/5/22上了Etsy 首頁的精選商店,跟大家分享我們的品牌故事,也分享了我們的創作過程。

紙樣|SIDONIEYANG 在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2015/06/06
紙樣|SIDONIEYANG 在Etsy 的網路商店截圖於 2015/06/06


紙樣|SIDONIEYANG 官方網站的截圖於 2015/06/06


